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Country Based Government Tax Measures  April 12,2019 / Haroon Juma / VAT & Tax Blogs All major economies during the current COVID-19 crisis have taken some form of action to support local economies through fiscal policies and changes to tax rate. The...
UAE Double Tax Treaty

UAE Double Tax Treaty

UAE Double Tax Treaties  Dec 25th ,2019 / Haroon Juma / VAT Blogs   In seeking to establish competitive and dynamic economy, the UAE Government has sought to build an attractive investment environment to offer resident companies and individuals the...
Is VAT On All Purchases Recoverable?

Is VAT On All Purchases Recoverable?

Is VAT On All Purchases Recoverable?  August 08,2019 / Haroon Juma / VAT & Tax Blogs Is VAT On All Purchases Recoverable? VAT is designed as a consumption tax to be borne by the final consumer therefore as a VAT registered business you are eligible for VAT...
Health Care -Transforming Finance Into An Asset

Health Care -Transforming Finance Into An Asset

Healthcare Casestudy (Download)  July 15,2019 / Haroon Juma / Accounting / VAT / Software Solutions In January 2020, a well-established Dubai Health Care Provider was contacted by the Federal Tax Authority to submit their tax returns for 2019. UAE has a highly...
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