+97143445338 info@ismco.ae

Cloud POS Solutions

Our POS solutions support simple & complex requirements for retail and food and beverage operations.

Your operations will run smoother, enhance customer experience and provide the critical insight at your fingertips to run your business.

Our cloud POS solutions are more than a simple POS, they are integrated with inventory, VAT compliant accounting, purchasing with configurable functionality to improve your operations and business reporting.

POS Solutions

*Initial Consultation is FREE


What Sets Our Service Apart


Improve Customer Experience


Cloud & Real Time Reporting


Fully Integrated To Run Your Operations


Arabic & English Support


Optional Back Office Outsource Services

POS Solutions


How We Deliver



Our consultants will gather your business requirements with key attention improving your business processes and propose best practice models.

Delivery & Quality

We have the expertise and methodology to control projects and working with your organisation . Our goal is to implement with quality and speed to deliver results faster.

Training & Roll Out

Key to your project success will be user adoption, we seek to emphasise training and documentation to minimise impacts to the business.

Want to Improve Cost & Performance?

We’ll provide best practice quality processes, expertise and platforms to run your business more effectively.


Retail POS

Integrated with inventory and accounting, retail POS is a complete and easy to set up solution to manage your complete retail operations. Our Point of Sale stays reliable even if your connection is not.




Restaurant POS

Fully configurable cloud POS with table management integrated to inventory, purchasing, and accounting to efficiently run your operations.

Our solution is workflow configurable to display orders at different departments (Food, Beverages etc) with waiter notifications on prepared orders. Gain valuable insights to the efficiency of your service delivery with configurable online reports detailing any combination of parameters including sales, food items, time and employee performance.



Is our POS solution fully integrated?

Yes. Our POS solution is fully compliant to the UAE with bar code scanning support and integrated to run many processes including inventory, accounting, VAT, HRM & Payroll

Why is a POS needed and does it need to be industry specific?

POS is ideal for any Business to Consumer requirement where cash and credit card operations are required. We have special features for F&B operations including table management and tips to improve the customer experience and provide rich insights into business performance in real-time.

What if we don't have documented working processes?

If your business is seeking to improve its operational efficiencies, we can propose best practices processes. We support 100’s of companies as a business process outsourcer and our experience can be applied to transform your operations.

Can we extend to support more processes later?

Yes. We can help to deliver your solution to one or several business workflows. If you want to extend to other areas later such as HRM & Payroll, we have MOHRE compliant solutions to meet this requirement.

Can we integrate to other systems?

We can integrate external systems subject to technical assessment. We have integrated to e-Commerce websites, other CRM systems, SMS gateways, or any system with a published API.


Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a no obligation consultation. See how we could transform your enterprise to the next level of productivity and performance. 

Sun - Thur: 9am-6pm, Fri - Sat: Closed

Business Center, Al Schmook Building, UAQ Free Trade Zone, Umm Al Quwain, UAE.

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